You are here: Parents / KS4 Options
Welcome to the Year 9 into 10 options process for Spring 2025.
We have outlined relevant information on this page to support students and parents/carers through this important phase to a child's education.
Below are links to information on all subjects on offer during Key Stage 4 at Barnwell School. Students and parents/carers will also have received information and guidance on the options process via Schoolcomms.
As all students are required to study GCSE English, Maths, Combined Science and R.E. Subject flyers have been included in the following table together with presentations.
GCSE Business
GCSE Computer Science
BTEC Level 2 Construction
BTEC Level 2 Digital I.T.
GCSE Drama
GCSE English
GCSE Fine Art
GCSE French
GCSE Geography
BTEC Level 2 Health & Social Care |
WJEC Level 2 Hospitality & Catering
GCSE History |
GCSE Mathematics
GCSE Media Studies
BTEC Level 2 Music
BTEC Level 2 Performing Arts Dance |
GCSE Photography
GCSE Psychology
GCSE Religious Education
GCSE Combined Science
GCSE Spanish
BTEC Level 2 Sport
GCSE Three-Dimensional Design
Year 9 Parents' Evening
Our Year 9 Parents' Evenings took place from 4pm on the 5th and 13th of February, which provided an opportunity to discuss your child's progress with their current teachers. It also offered a further opportunity to discuss the suitability of option choices for your child.
In order to further support students with the options process, students will be asked to complete a questionnaire to see if they are happy with their choices, or would prefer to have a conversation with a senior member of staff. This will ensure they can ask any questions they may have and receive support in making an informed decision about their final option choices. If students would like a discussion then these will take place during February.