I am very pleased to announce that Barnwell School is a proud founding member of the Stevenage Schools Parliament (SSP). The SSP is a multi-schools organisation that has been set up to give the students across Stevenage a greater voice in their town. The SSP is made up of a mix of Primary and Secondary Schools across Stevenage that meets half termly in the Stevenage Borough Council Chambers.
The initial meeting was attended not only by the staff and students from the schools but also by representatives and Councillors from Stevenage Borough Council, the Stevenage Mayor, Councillor Professor Howard Burrell and the current Stevenage Youth Major Yvan Tiako along with other representatives from Stevenage Youth Council.
At Barnwell we have a proud history of strong representation in the Stevenage Youth Council and the previous 2 Stevenage Youth Majors were Barnwell students; Amy Danaher and Shae Field. Amy and Shae are currently in our 6th form and acting as mentors for the younger students who are involved with the new Stevenage Schools Parliament.
In our first meeting we discussed how the town various town councils work and how the SSP will fit into this structure as well as a whole variety of issues across the town. After great discussion from all the students there was a vote which resulted in the main focus of the SSP in the first year was to look into improving the parks and playgrounds across the town. There was also a sub-focus of looking at the issue of food wastage in our schools with the possibility of schools passing any left-over food to the town’s food banks.
M Patching
The Parliament is going from strength to strength and is now in its second year. The Schools Parliament has met twice this already academic year at the Stevenage Council Chambers and is busy working on several key work streams that have been voted for by the students.
Improving play areas:
The students continue to work with the main councils on the development and improvements of the play areas across town. A playground has already been totally refurbished as a result and further work is planned for the year.
The students feel passionately that we all need to address the amount of litter across the town and in our schools. There are several schemes in place in each school as well as an overarching theme of ‘Recycling’ leading all the work that is happening. The students will be visiting the Cavendish Road Refuse Site to find out more about the issue so they can feedback to the rest of the students in each of the school and there will also be a town wide schools ‘Litter Pick Day’ in March.
Supporting Food Banks:
In February, as part of ‘Stevenage Love Day’ schools will be holding food collections that will all be taken to the local food banks across the town. The students feel strongly that thy want to do what they can to support people and families less fortunate than themselves.
House of Parliament Visit:
The whole of the Stevenage School’s Parliament will be visiting the House of Parliament in the new Year. This will be great opportunity to get an inside view of how the Parliament works at the top National level.
'Pupils and parents and carers commented on the school’s commitment to developing individual pupils’ talents and interests'