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Rewards Overview

At Barnwell School, we use EduLink to keep parents informed about their child’s achievements and rewards. This online platform provides a convenient way to monitor progress, celebrate successes, and stay engaged with your child’s education.

Through EduLink, you can view achievement points awarded to your child for positive behaviour, effort, and contributions to school life. These points reflect our school’s commitment to recognising and rewarding students who demonstrate Respect, Responsibility and Aspiration. By regularly checking EduLink, you can see when your child has been praised by their teachers and encourage them to continue their hard work. If your child is working towards a particular goal, you can use EduLink to support and motivate them at home.

We encourage all parents to check EduLink regularly and discuss achievements with their child. Celebrating successes together can boost confidence and engagement in learning. If you need any help accessing EduLink or have questions about your child’s achievements, please contact the school for support.

Rewards System

Our rewards system runs as follows:

• Achievement points
• Character Day
• Character Fortnight Award

Achievement Points are awarded for:
• High levels of attendance to school
• High levels of punctuality
• Consistently wearing the school uniform appropriately
• Having the correct equipment
• High quality School Representation
• Participating in an assembly
• Volunteering
• Demonstrating a key character trait around school
• Exceptional piece of classwork
• Exceptional piece of homework
• High level contribution in lesson
• Progress from data track

Character Days

As a standard part of every lesson, students who meet all expectations in lessons are
awarded 1/6 of their ‘Character Day’ points.

At the end of each day students who have met expectations in all 6 lessons will be
awarded with a ‘Character Day’ (worth 5 points).

Character Fortnights

Students who achieve character days across each fortnight, will also be issued with ‘Character Fortnight’ (Worth 10 points).

Students who consistently achieve ‘Character Days’ are entered into a prize draw
entry every fortnight, half term and year end.

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip