Examination Information
Summer 2025 Examinations
Contingency Days
Please note the below contingency days. Students MUST be available on these dates in the event that any exams may need to be re-scheduled. Special Consideration will not apply if a student is not available to sit their re-scheduled exam on these dates (for example, if a student has booked a holiday).
Contingency 2025 Sessions
Contingency Afternoon Session
Wednesday 11th June
Contingency Day
Wednesday 25th June
Below is the current timetable for Summer 2025's examinations. Students will receive personalised timetables nearer the time.

A Levels & Level 3's

Private Candidates
This centre does not accept private candidates. Please click on this link to the JCQ website where you can search for your nearest centre who are willing to accept entries from private candidates.
General Exam Requirements
- You must arrive at school 15 minutes prior to all of your examinations.
- Students must not bring into the exam room mobile phones (either on or off), notes, MP3/4 players, iPods, wrist watches, any technological/web enabled sources of information, reading pens, etc. If you are found to have any of these unauthorised items in your possession, this will need to be reported to the exam board and your exam will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification from the exam / qualification.
- You should bring two black ballpoint pens and any other equipment needed for your examination. For example, if you have a maths exam, please ensure you bring mathematical equipment.
- Only clear pencil cases are allowed on your desk. If your pencil case if not clear, you will need to place it on the floor underneath your desk.
- Do not use gel pens or any correcting pens.
- You may bring a packet of tissues into the exam room.
- You are allowed to use a calculator, unless the question paper states otherwise.
- Calculators must be free of lids, cases and covers. Any cases, lids of covers will need to be placed underneath your desk.
- No food or chewing gum allowed in the examination hall.
- Water bottles are allowed, and you are encouraged to bring one. These should be clear bottles with a spill-proof cap. You will need to remove any labels from your bottle.
- You must do any rough work in the answer booklet provided. Cross out anything that you do not wish to be marked.
- There is absolutely no talking or communication between students once you enter the examination hall. If you have any questions, you should raise your hand once seated and an invigilator will come to you. You must remain silent until you leave the room. If you are found to be communicating with any one other than invigilators or members of staff in the room, this will need to be reported to the exam board.
What to do if you are ill on the day of an examination
- If you are ill and unable to attend an examination, it is vital you phone the school first thing in the morning on 01438 222500 to inform us and obtain further advice.
- Within three days of the examination missed please bring in a medical note detailing the reason for non-attendance.
- If you are feeling unwell, but still able to travel, we suggest you come to the examination, and we can assess the situation. In most cases it is better to take the examination if you can. However, if you are displaying Covid-19 related symptoms, you must follow the Barnwell School Covid-19 guidelines.
- If you do not attend an examination without a valid reason, you will be charged for that examination.
- Misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence.
Awarding Body Privacy Notices
Pearson / Edexcel
Eduqas / WJEC
Information for Candidates
Please ensure you read all of the attachments below.
Written Examinations - Sept 24
Coursework Assessments - Sept 24
Non-Examination Assessments - Sept 24
On-screen Tests - Sept 24
Warning to Candidates - Sept 24
Unauthorised Items - Sept 24
Social Media Notice - Sept 24
Privacy Notice - Sept 24
Preparing to sit your Exams - Sept 24
Internal Appeals Process for Coursework - Sept 24
Internal Appeals Form for Coursework - Sept 24
Exams & Controlled Assessments Policy 2024-2025
Student Handbook 2024-2025
JCQ AI Use in Assessments Sept 24
Review of Marking Permission Form
Clerical Check Permission Form