Values and Ethos
Our Vision is to create and deliver an outstanding educational experience for every student at Barnwell School. We will achieve this through:
- Valuing every student as an individual, ensuring they realise their potential by providing an aspirational and engaging curriculum.
- Delivering the highest standards of teaching and learning to ensure excellent progress and achievement that inspires all our students.
- Ensuring no matter what the starting point, outstanding progress is achievable by all.
- Supporting student growth and development through our close caring community ethos of respect and tolerance for others and building a sense of belonging.
- Providing a learning environment which is both stimulating, supportive, fosters excellence and independence.
- Inspiring a culture and thirst for lifelong learning based on motivation, challenge, praise and reward to enable students to achieve their goals in life.
- Building positive partnerships with parents and the local community to widen opportunities and secure high quality outcomes for all of our students.
By setting high expectations, we expect all students to progress and maximise their potential by seizing the opportunities provided and valuing their education in order to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world.
'Leaders have established a strong culture of care and collaboration within the school'