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Hertfordshire Local Authority manages the transfer and allocation of students to Barnwell School. Places are allocated in accordance with the County’s published admission rules.

What are our admission arrangements for children with Disabilities?

The arrangements for the admission of pupils with Special Needs or disabilities to gain admission as pupils to Barnwell School fall within our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and are the same as those applied to all pupils. Admission is in the first instance arranged by application to the Local Education Authority.

Barnwell School will take steps to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils. In order to promote equality of opportunity for disabled children we will make reasonable adjustments to prevent them being put under a disadvantage.

In practice we ensure that classroom and extra-curricular activities encourage the participation of all pupils, including those categorised as having Special Educational Needs.

Existing facilities provided to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities:


Please also see the Disability Equalityscheme & Accessibility Plan.

Barnwell School is based on two campuses, the Middle School Campus (Key Stage 3) and the Upper School Campus (Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form). The campuses are adjacent to each other and provide a highly personalised and age relevant learning environment. Where we have available places we welcome in year admissions and September starters into the Upper School (Year 10) as well as our Sixth form.

There are currently places available in our Middle School (Years 7 -9) and Upper School (Years 10 – 11), if you wish to make an enquiry about the possibility of your child(ren) attending Barnwell School either now or in the future please contact

Applications for places at Barnwell School should be sent to Admissions Team at County Hall CHR 102, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8DQ, telephone Customer Service Centre: 0300 123 4043 or Email:


For Sixth Form applications please contact the school for an application form or follow the link:


Secondary allocation day is 3rd March 2025. If you apply online you will receive an email from Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) after 6.00 pm on this date. If you apply on paper then you will receive a letter in the post.

Accepting your place: if you are allocated Barnwell School and wish to accept your place then you must do this either online or on the paper form provided by 17th March 2025. Responses go directly to Hertfordshire County Council and do not come back to the school.

Continued interest: if you are not allocated Barnwell School and it was ranked higher than the school you have been allocated then you will automatically be added to the continued interest list. If you do not want to stay on this list then you must let the Hertfordshire LA admissions team know immediately.


All local authorities have a statutory duty to coordinate all in-year admissions (primary and secondary) for all maintained schools and academies. This became a requirement in September 2010. This means that all applications for, and allocations of, in-year places must be made via a child's home local authority. All parents living in Hertfordshire who wish to make an in year application must apply to Hertfordshire County Council using the in-year application form and not by applying direct to schools, however please do contact the school in the first instance for further guidance and information about the process and to view the school. Information on in-year admissions, along with a guidance booklet and application form are available at:


If your child has not been offered a place at your preferred school, you have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel.

Appeals resulting from transfer and under 11's applications for admission in September should be submitted online, unless you submitted a paper application. You should appeal online by logging into your online application at and following the link to "register an appeal". If you made a paper application, please contact the Hertfordshire Local Authority Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043 to request an appeal pack.

The guidance for parents’ booklet available at: provides detailed information about the statutory appeals process including how panels make their decisions and how the outcome of your appeal will be communicated to you. Your appeal will be arranged by the Appeals Team within Customer Services, who work independently of the Admissions Team.

Please read the School Admissions Appeals Timetable provided by the Hertfordshire County Council for further information:

Admissions Arrangements for 2024/25, 2025/26 and 2026/27

Admission Appeals Timetable 2025
Proposed Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Determined Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Determined Admission Arrangements 2026-2027
Sixth Form Application Form 2025-2026
Sixth Form Application Form 2026-2027
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