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A Festival of Futures


Festival Of Futures Logo

Today, we are launching โ€˜The Festival of Futuresโ€™ for you. Like a festival, you will be able to explore some of the areas that will help you as you prepare to begin your sixth form studies. Each area contains resources for you to work through and explore. There is a logbook, that accompanies the programme, to record what you have done, what you have learned and your thoughts about your learning or any questions you may have.

We will be discussing this logbook with you when you return to school to commence Year 12.


Festival Of Futures Map

There are many areas to explore in the โ€˜Festival of Futuresโ€™ โ€“ each week, more will be added to keep you busy from now until our return to school. Click the Map above to download a copy.

Below is what we would like you to do initially, please find the material by following the links.



Where to find the material

Download the map and the log book


LEP Logbook

Explore Zone 1 - Lost and Found

Click Here


Explore Zone 2 - The Transition Stage

Click Here


Explore Zone 3 The Gateway Main Stage

Click Here


Explore Zone 4 - The Gateway Teepee


Click Here

Complete Zone 5 โ€“ The Gateway Rainbow Roadshow

Click Here


Explore Zone 7 โ€“ The Well-being Zone

Click Here


Explore Zone 8 - Food and Fitness Zone

Click Here


Explore Zone 9 - The LEP stage

Click Here


You will need to bring your completed LEP booklet with you to your interview at the beginning of Year 12 and, in that meeting, we would like you to share what you have done and what you have learned.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Mrs Johnson

LEP Logbook

Click the image to download your LEP Logbook.

LEP Logbook Logo

This Festival of Futures package will guide you to make the most out of your summer before you start your Post 16 studies.

During your extended summer break, you will have the opportunity to explore and use the PiXL6 resources as signposted on the Festival of Futures map and to use the Lockdown Evidence Portfolio to log all the LORIC academic and pastoral skills you have gained.

As the cohort of 2021, you really do have a story to tell and some of you may not realise just how much you have learned from the COVID-19/lockdown experience; your Summer 2021 experience is unique so the Lockdown Evidence Portfolio will enable you to record events, thoughts and observations.

By engaging in the Festival of Futures, you will see how every situation can be turned into a positive and how you will be able to take forward these skills into your Post 16 studies and your future.



LEP Logbook
Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip