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Dress Code

Sixth Form students are role models for students lower down the school, and their standards of dress are an important part of the culture of Barnwell. In the Sixth Form, students have their own dress code, which should be smart, clean and within the ethos of the School. In interpreting the guidelines, students should ensure that their overall appearance is appropriate to that of a working environment

During the warmer months of the year, students are reminded that they are in a School, not a College, and will therefore come in to contact with much younger students throughout the day. For this reason, very short, tight or revealing clothing is deemed inappropriate and will be challenged.

Given the constantly evolving nature of fashion, Barnwell school reserves the right to add to these requirements and determine that's items are not appropriate. Students are expected to exercise mature judgement in their choices. In instances of uncertainty a member of the sixth form team should be consulted.

Students should accept that choosing to dress inappropriately puts them at risk of being sent home to change, with a consequent loss of learning time.

Examples of ACCEPTABLE items of Sixth Form dress code

· Trousers, dress and/or skirt with a formal jacket (jacket is not compulsory)
· Length of skirt needs to be appropriate for a work environment - on or just above the knee.
· A smart shirt/blouse and/or smart jumper may be worn.
· Long or short sleeve shirts. These can be worn with a tie (a tie is not compulsory).
· Smart collared polo shirt/tops
· Department specific clothing such as PE or Performing Arts department. The school logo needs to be present on all items of clothing

Examples of UNACCEPTABLE items of Sixth Form dress code

· Denim Jeans - this also includes Black Denim.
· Trainers of any style are not acceptable, this includes black leather converse and other canvas style footwear.
· Track suits, hoodies, t-shirts and sports t-shirts. Sports and football shorts, football shirts, sweatshirts and baseball caps/hats are not acceptable.
· Tight fitting or revealing clothes, including mini-skirts, leggings, shorts, vest tops, crop tops, low cut tops or tops that do not cover the midriff area are not acceptable.
· Any clothing with inappropriate wording or slogans is not appropriate.

All Sixth Form Students have been issued with a Sixth Form Identify Badge. This badge must be worn at all times whilst on Barnwell School Premises.






















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Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip