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Why Barnwell Parent/Carer Views?

Barnwell School is proud to run a Staff Nomination system whereby parents/carers have the opportunity to nominate a member of staff for a 'Thank You'. The member of staff receives the positive comments and a thank you card. Below are a few examples of the lovely messages sent in by our parents/carers.

Thank you so much for all your help with the girls over the past year and a half. Youโ€™ve been the rock for them and I donโ€™t know where they would be without seeing your happy face.


Thank you all for in these difficult times . Your help and guidance and giving my son the confidence to exceed himself . All of the teachers are a credit to the teaching profession. Good work and well done, excellent communication skills.


Miss Cowling has really gone above and beyond with supporting my daughter and advising myself, pointing us in the right direction, I think everyone has done an amazing job in a situation that's difficult, thank you to all.


Mrs Jones has been a rock for myself and my son for the past 3 years. She is always there whenever either of us need her and has been calling us weekly during all the lockdown to see if we are OK. Mrs Jones you truly are 1 in a million.


During one of the well-being calls Mrs Barnes highlighted a potential issue the school could provide support with and promised to look into it. Within 24 hours I received an email advising that the issue had been notified and we were on a wait list. Within 24 hours after that we were called and advised to come and collect the resource from upper school reception.ย Mrs Barnes (as well as all the other staff involved in completing this need) has been absolutely brilliant in demonstrating genuine passion, integrity and implementation to supporting the pupils and families.


Assistance with food and clothes bank, helping delivering weekly packages when we were unable to leave the house. They really went the extra mile to help us and itโ€™s really appreciated.


Mrs Johnson has been very supporting to our daughter and to us as parents in these challenging times. She has sent emails and contacted by telephone to update us about our daughter's school work. We have also contacted her for clarification and she has been supportive. She has time for our daughter and us as parents despite her very busy schedule. We find her feedback motivating to our daughter which encourages her to focus more positively on her school work.


Mrs Carter is always upbeat and makes the learning understandable and enjoyable. She has been praising the kids lots and has a good rapport with them. I enjoy listening to her doing the live lessons as she really gets all kids involved in the lessons and builds them up which will build their confidence.


Mrs Farrin really understands our son as an individual and gives amazing support for English and for him in general. We think she goes above and beyond to help build his confidence and adjustments that he needs to help him do well.


Mrs Gibson is always trying to help us as much as possible and she is a very kind and loving towards her students. She is a very positive person and no matter what our goal is she will try her best to achieve it.


Just want to thank Mrs Hall for doing an amazing job by touching base every week to see how our son is getting on. This has certainly made a world of difference, as I know other schools who are not doing it. I know it must be quite a hectic task having to ring so many different parents, but it honestly does make a difference. So thank you!


Mrs Farquharson consistently goes the extra mile for students and parents and gives extra time to explain things when needed after class. She praises students and is always willing to listen to any concerns. My son throughout her lessons has always said she is engaging, friendly and supportive and informs parents when anything needs attention or praise worth mentioning. She truly makes a difference.


I want to thank Miss Mitchell for all of her guidance, support and going above and beyond to help her this year. You have made a real difference for my daughter and she is now feeling more positive. Thank you.


Thank you Miss Sayer for your support for my daughter during the last year particularly with her poor mental health. She has checked in with me and been a link between myself and the teachers. I have really appreciated this and so has my daughter.


There are not enough words to describe how amazing this teacher is ! She understands the importance of listening to her students. She is compassionate and understanding and has a positive connection with her students. Our daughter has gained confidence in her ability in English and feels secure in the fact that she can get guidance and support when ever she needs it. Mrs Pringle always gives a 100% and has the patience of a saint when it comes to going over work that my daughter is struggling with.


Ms Mackey is absolutely amazing. She has helped me and my family so much and is so warm and friendly in her emails and in person. Please thank her for me.


Excellent and prompt help & assistance to manage changes for the GCSE options towards moving into Y10. There were email replies and phone call made out of hours, in the evening by Mrs Collier during this issue.


Mrs Bolter has gone above and beyond in supporting our son in the past few months and he knows he can go to her if he has any difficulties in school. I can't thank her enough for her time and kindness.


My daughter had a bad start when starting year 7, she missed a lot of schooling and if it wasn't for Mrs Allingham's support and also supporting us as her parents, I don't know where she would be. She made sure she collected our daughter daily from home to take to school and was there for us as a family. She made such a difference to us - what a fantastic woman!


Reception staff - I am reassured as a mother every single morning that when my son walks into school, he is greeted with a happy face as well as being able to approach them if he needs it.


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