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Personal Development

“Personal development, behaviour and welfare was judged to be ‘Good’”.  (Ofsted 2018) and it continues to be a real strength of the school.

Personal Development is the development of knowledge, skills, dispositions and habits which will promote and support our students in leading healthy, happy and fulfilling adult lives.​ Personal development encompasses many areas of students’ lives that include:

Personal Development

“Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is strong” (Ofsted 2018)

Since grading ‘Good’ for our Personal Development provision in our last Ofsted inspection in 2018, the school has continued to embed and develop our provision. The Barnwell School Personal Development journey extends beyond the academic, vocational, or technical and ensures students’ broader development. We ensure that students show Respect, Responsibility and Aspiration which in turn develops resilient and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults which promotes positive mental health.

Alongside this, we ensure students understand how to keep physically healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle, including giving ample opportunities for students to be active during the school day and through extra-curricular activities. Students receive age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships through appropriate relationships and sex education.

We aim to support students’ understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance. As well as shaping student’s character which informs their motivation and guides their conduct so that they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others.

Barnwell Show - Chicago
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Costa Brava School Trip