You are here: Parents / Parents' Evenings
Please visit Edulink to book appointments and attend the online parents' evening appointments.
Note: Do not wait until parents’ evening to enquire about the progress of your child.
Parents’ evenings only usually happen once a year and are one of the ways to find out how your child is getting on at school. There may be problems your son or daughter has not told you about, so this is a good opportunity to find out what is going on.
Yes. Schools have to hold parents’ evenings at least once a year though it is up to them when they take place.
Make sure you have read any progress report the school has given you about your child and note down things you do not understand. Talk to your child before you go and find out if there is anything bothering them at school and ask if they are worried about any subjects, other children or teachers.
It will not change the way Barnwell treats your child. Going can be one of the best ways to help improve your child’s time at school as teachers can give you tips on how to help them progress. By going you also send out a clear message to your child and the school that you care about their education.
Yes. Having a three-way discussion about progress is the best way to ensure all parties are aware of what needs to be done to ensure your child makes progress.
Yes, Barnwell is willing to do this. Contact the school and ask for different log on details. What sort of questions should I be asking? Ask about whether your child is making progress and about their strengths and weaknesses and what do they need to do to make expected progress. Always ask for advice on how you can help your child. If I disagree, is it best to keep quiet? No, remember that this is your time to talk to the teacher about your child’s work and time at school. But do not be confrontational and listen to what the teacher has to say. Remember you can always make a follow-up appointment with the Head of Year.
No. If you have a problem you want to discuss with your child’s teacher you can contact Barnwell and ask to make an appointment.