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What is EduLink One

Edulink One is a parent portal and communication app that keeps your childโ€™s school information in one place, meaning you are more informed and involved in their learning journey.

How do I access Edulink One?

EduLink can be accessed via an Android or iOS app or any web browser.

If you have not yet received your login details or you are experiencing any difficulties logging in, please contact the school who will be able to help you.

You can download the Edulink One app on Google Play or App Store.

Alternatively go toย!/login?code=barnwell to use in the browser format.

edulink log in2

What information will I see about my child?


You can keep an eye on what homework has been assigned for each subject and if your child has submitted it.

Behaviour and Achievement

View points awarded for achievements and/or negative behaviour โ€“ see whatโ€™s happened at school which keeps you in the loop and allows you to support your child better.


See if your child is in class in real time and their attendance records.


You and your child can access their school timetable at any time.

Communication via Edulink

At Barnwell School, we use EduLink One to ensure seamless communication between parents, students, and staff. This platform provides instant access to key school information, including timetables, attendance, behaviour reports, and homework. Parents can also receive important notifications and messages directly from teachers, keeping them informed about their childโ€™s progress. EduLink One allows you to update contact details, book parentsโ€™ evening appointments, and stay engaged with school life. We encourage all parents to download the app or access it via a web browser to stay connected and support their childโ€™s education effectively.

Below you can see a detailed parental user guide.


Edulink Parent Guide
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Costa Brava School Trip