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Therapy Dogs

We are fortunate enough to have two special members of staff at Barnwell, our school dogs Lacey and Tilly. Lacey and Tilly are in school toΒ work with small groups of students as part of our planned programme of interventions and to support those with social and emotional needs. There is an increasing body of evidence that shows what a positive impact therapy dogs can have in supporting children with their learning, as well as helping in ways that are more therapeutic.

Lacey and Tilly are family pets, are fully vaccinated, regularly groomed, insured, and have annual Vet checks. We have undertaken a full risk assessment and written a policy to support this work, both of which can be made available on request.

We recognise that some people may have an allergy to or a fear of dogs. If this is the case, please complete the form using this link so we can ensure measures can be taken to avoid contact. Please be assured Lacey and Tilly are hypoallergenic as they do not shed fur which will help to minimize any issues with allergies.


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