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Science is a set of ideas about the material world. We aim to instil a passion for science through investigative learning, allowing students to ask questions, explore problems and search for solutions using their own ingenuity. We deliver a broad curriculum where knowledge and skills are acquired and developed through a spiral format, each time a scientific idea is re-visited, students’ progress and further master their understanding of the world they live in.

Science Learning Journey

 Learning Journey 1


The science curriculum is organised into ‘Big Ideas’:


Big idea



Forces predict motion


Fields produce forces

Electricity transfers energy


Energy is conserved


Radiation transfers energy



Structure determines properties


Reactions rearrange matter


Earth systems interact



Cells are alive    

Bodies are systems


Organisms are interdependent

Ecosystems recycle resources


Characteristics are inherited

Species show variation

Curriculum Overviews

 Year 7 Science Curriculum Overview

Year 8 Science Curriculum Overview

Year 9 Science Curriculum Overview

Year 10 Science Curriculum Overview

Year 11 Curriculum Overview


Key Stage 5 Science

We are fortunate to be able to offer a wide range of science course at KS5, including, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Applied Science. These are suitable for candidates taking Combined or Triple Sciences and lead to a wide range of courses at University.

AQA Biology A
Curriculum Year Unit Name Content Key Assessment

Biological Molecules





Organisms exchange substances with their environment.


Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms

Monomers and polymers, Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins, DNA, ATP, Water and Inorganic ions.  

Cell structure, microscopes, Cell cycle, Cell division, Membranes, the Immune system.


SA to Vol ratio, Gas exchange, Digestion and absorption, Mass transport.


DNA, genes and chromosomes, DNA and protein synthesis, Genetic diversity, Species and Taxonomy, Biodiversity, Investigating diversity.


Summative assessments and the end of each topic Internal Mock exam.
CPAC assessments
Edexcel Biology A SNAB
Curriculum Year Unit Name Content Key Assessment








Topic 5: On the Wild Side


Topic 6: Immunity, Infection and Forensics.


Topic 7: Run for your Life


Topic 8: Grey Matter

Ecosystems, the importance of photosynthesis and Climate Change


Applications of DNA, the immune response and how we treat disease


Muscle structure and action, respiration and effects of exercise on the heart and lungs

Nervous system structure and function, brain development and ethical consideration of drug treatments

Summative assessments and the end of each topic
Internal Mock exam

A-level Exams
3 x 2 Hour papers in June

CPAC assessments

OCR Cambridge Technical Applied Science
Curriculum Year Unit Name Content Key Assessment

Unit 1 Fundamentals of Science (External assessment)

Unit 2 Laboratory Techniques (External Assessment)

Basic concepts from Physics Biology and chemistry, including cell structure, electricity and atomic structure

A practical based module including Health and Safety procedures, Aseptic techniques, Chemical analysis

Summative End of topic assessments
External Assessment in Jan and May
Extended certificate

Unit 6 Control of Hazards of Laboratory Techniques (Internal Assessment)


Unit 18 Microbiology (Internal Assessment)

Unit 21 Product Testing Techniques (Internal Assessment)


Health and Safety regulations, risk assessment, lab design

Techniques in microbiology including gram staining, the use of microbiology in food and GM crops

Practical techniques used in industry such as titration


Coursework based assessment, marked internally and verified by an OCR moderator
OCR Physics A
Curriculum Year Unit name Content Key Assessment

Module 1 – Development of practical skills in physics



Module 2 – Foundations of physics



Module 3–Forces and motion



Module 4 –Electrons, waves and photons




Practical skills assessed in a written examination
Practical skills assessed in the practical endorsement



Physical quantities and units, Making measurements and analysing data,
Nature of quantities


Motion, Forces in action, Work, energy and power, Materials, Newton’s laws of motion and momentum


Charge and current, Energy, power and resistance, Electrical circuits, Waves,
Quantum physics



Summative assessments and the end of each topic
Internal Mock exam

CPAC assessments


Module 5– Newtonian world and astrophysics



Module 6 –Particles and medical physics

Thermal physics, Circular motion, Astrophysics and cosmology



Electric fields, Electromagnetism, Medical imaging, Nuclear and particle physics


Summative assessments and the end of each topic
Internal Mock exam

A-level Exams
2 x 2 r 15 mins papers
1 x 1hr 30 min paper
in Jun

CPAC assessments


AQA Chemistry
Curriculum Year Unit Name Content Ket Assessment

Physical Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Atomic Structure and bonding, Chemical reactions including; Energetics, Kinetics, Chemical Equilibria, Oxidation and Reduction reactions

The periodic table including; Periodicity, Group 2 elements, and Group 7 elements

Organic Compounds including; Alkanes, Alkenes, Halogenoalkanes, Alcohols and Organic analysis

Summative assessments and the end of each topic
Internal Mock exam

CPAC assessments


Physical Chemistry


Inorganic Chemistry


Organic Chemistry

Topics include; Thermodynamics, Rate equations, Electrode potentials and Acids & Bases

Properties of materials including period 3 elements and their Oxides, and Reactions of Ions in solution

Organic compounds including aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, Amines and Polymers,
Aalysis techniques including NMR and Chromatography

Summative assessments and the end of each topic
Internal Mock exam

A-level Exams
2 x 2 r 15 mins papers
1 x 1hr 30 min paper
in Jun

CPAC assessments


Science Super Curriculum

At Barnwell School, we want to give our students every opportunity to develop their love of learning of science. We have developed a Super Curriculum which provides students with a range of suggested activities that take their regular science curriculum further. These activities can take many forms including reading, watching videos online, downloading podcasts, attending lectures, visiting museums or entering academic competitions.

Please do take time to look through the booklet and please attempt as many challenges as possible.

Click on the image below to open the booklet.



















Science Super Curriculum Booklet
Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip