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Please click the links for more details of current vacancies

Alternative Provision - Maths and ScienceΒ - Full Time

SEND Teacher

Religious Education Teacher

Science Teacher

Geography Teacher

Alternative Provision - Maths and Science - Part Time

Maths Teacher

Teaching AssistantΒ - 15 hours

Teaching Assistant - 30 hours

Examination Invigilator

Information relating to teaching, non-teaching and leadership vacancies at Barnwell School will be posted here and on Teach in Herts.

Why Barnwell? Please take the opportunity to look at our Teaching and Learning pages, including the contributions made by a selection of our current staff, about being part of #TeamBarnwell.

Barnwell School is committed to being an anti-racist organisation and we encourage you to view our Equality objectives which gives clarity on our anti-racist stance. In our efforts to be an anti-racist organisation, we recognise the negative impacts of under representation and lack of diversity in our organisation, our education system and in all aspects of our society.Β To help us meet our high standards and aspirations of a fully diverse and inclusive workplace, we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from all backgrounds to apply and to join us.

For application forms and key policies, please visit our key information for job applicants page.

Pre-application visits are warmly welcomed and encouraged; we are confident you will enjoy opportunities at Barnwell. Pre-application visits can be arranged by email to our HR Manager, Sarah Philips:

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip