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Teacher Led Development Work

The Teacher Led Development Work (TLDW) Programme

Barnwell School is a lead school for the TLDW (Teacher Led Development Work), supporting staff leadership in schools. Through this development work, we support teachers and other educational practitioners to plan and lead projects designed to develop the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning across the school. The TLDW programme supports teacher leadership through:

In the context of Barnwell, the TLDW sessions are led by members of the teaching and learning team and the senior leadership team, who are accredited members of the HertsCam Tutor Team. This is an example of the β€˜in-house’ training that Barnwell School offers all staff who wish to develop their practise further and change the lives of children through their development work.

Successful participation in the TLDWΒ leads to the award of the Certificate in Teacher Leadership which can be counted as credit towards a master’s degree. If you have any questions regarding the Barnwell TLDW programme, then please contact Cary Francis, Assistant Headteacher, Teaching, Learning & Assessment.

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