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Pastoral Care

'Many parents described the highly effective care and support the school provides to their children and families' 

At Barnwell, we pride ourselves on the quality of pastoral care we provide for our students. A student’s happiness and well-being are recognised as the foundation for their success and at Barnwell we believe that every child matters. Effective pastoral care, therefore, underpins school life and our large and experienced Pastoral Team is designed to ensure that all pupils can thrive.

The two-site approach provides outstanding nurturing and support for students in each year group. We organise our system of pastoral care differently on each campus to ensure students have the right level of individual support throughout their 7-year journey at Barnwell. Each student has a form tutor who is responsible for monitoring the welfare and progress of the group of children in his/her form. The work of the form tutors is coordinated by a team of Heads of Year, supported by members of the Senior Leadership Team.

The Heads of Year will help new students entering the school, at any time in the year to be welcomed into appropriate social and academic groups. As well as encouraging students to do their best within lessons, the form tutor and Head of Year monitor students’ progress, personal development and wellbeing, and encourage the involvement in extra-curricular activities.

The Heads of Year are:

Head of Year 7

Miss L Cowling

Head of Year 8

Miss S Clark

Head of Year 9

Mr R Partridge

Head of Year 10

Mr R Cozens

Head of Year 11

Mrs V Jenkins

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip

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